Jaun-Ieviņas Z/S Viesu māja
Reizes skatīts: 21083
- Novads: Raunas (bij.Cēsu rajons)
- Adrese: Jaun-Ieviņas, Raunas pagasts, Raunas novads
- Kontaktpersona: Uldis,Iveta
- Tel.: +371 29495146; 26463980
- E-pasts: jaun-ievinas@inbox.lv
Viesu grāmata
29.10.2015 18:03:07
Fantastic madden vyoage for us! I think Shaula is happy to be free and do what she does best . sail, and sail well she does!So glad that you were able to come and can't wait for more family adventure in the spring. http://efnfcatfhos.com [url=http://ewjauvx.com]ewjauvx[/url] [link=http://aulddsvbsc.com]aulddsvbsc[/link]
21.03.2010 22:41:33
viss tur ir pa īstam!